An Interview with Ashe Armstrong

Much love to the Fantasy Inn folks for letting me yammer on.

The Fantasy Inn

Today, we have with us Ashe Armstrong, author of Grimluk, Demon Hunter series.

Hello Ashe, welcome to the Inn! First of all, how are you and how have you been?

Doin’ alright. Think I’m finally getting over the last of this lingering cold.

Let’s kick off with a bang. You write books about a big ol’ demon-hunting orc. For those you might not be familiar with those, can you tell us a little bit about Grimluk and how he came to be?

Grimluk was originally going to be a swashbuckling orc with a claymore. An idea I still may use but I was discussing the idea with a friend one night and I just went, “Hey, so, what if I make him a gunslinger?” My friend’s response was “Fuck yes!” and then ideas just started pouring out.

It’s been around three and a half years since your debut novel, A…

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