A whole mess of news!

First things first, you’re gonna want to come and join me on reddit for the By Demons Be Driven cover reveal! I’m so excited to finally get to share this cover! It’s up for pre-order on Amazon now.

On top of THAT, I’ve also permanently lowered the price of the ebook of A Demon in the Desert to 99 cents AND, with Amazon rolling out hardcovers, I’ve added hardcover editions to the first three books. There will be a hardcover for By Demons Be Driven as well, available along with the paperback on October 1st! I’m still waiting on Demon Haunted to finish its review as there was an error with the spine text but that should be done some time today.

I’ve also updated books 1 and 2 somewhat. I cleaned up a bit of formatting in A Demon in the Desert that I had missed, to try and at least nudge it towards my current standards without just rewriting it, and I updated the cover font and back art. I updated Demon Haunted to have the elder sign POV separators like in Demons Within (and soon, By Demons) as well as the front cover font. Mostly this is a “branding” thing as the Kirsty font used in the title of Demons Within was one I really liked and looks good in a variety of sizes. Now everything matches.

I’m also planning on doing some sort of shop thing for bookmarks and stickers and whatnot once my partner and I find a house and get moved. That will probably be a next year thing but it’s in the works after I figured out I just need to buy a crafting printer to print my own bookmarks.

That’s all the news for now!